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Monday, August 29, 2022

Geo location of Pakistan and it's Economically Importance

 Economic Benefits

             Pakistan provide a gateway of central Asian Republic's. All countries are located in northwest direction of Pak that provide a gateway to these country and through this way they can reach to sea.

Trade and Transports coordination

             Pak can developed transport and trade coordination with Iran,China, and Central Asian Republic's and Afghanistan through this trade and Transports good economic relation can be develop between these countries.

Railway Network International Root

             Pak wanted to established a Railway Network International Root with China,Iran, Afghanistan and Central Asian Republic's.For this purpose Pak fixed 2 billion dollars for this project. World Bank also announced that itself donate amount for this project. The total length of this root is 700km, but this project could not be complete due to terrism in Iran, Afghanistan and international sanction on Iran.o

construction of Roads

            Pak wanted to construct road network with China and South Asian Republic's. For this purpose Pak fixed project 90 billions dollar, but this project could not be completed due to security issue and sanction on Iran.


         Central Asian countries are rich with natural resources. Pak wants to develop trade relations with these countries.Now Pakistan have weak trade relations. Because of security issues and sanction on Iran.


        Pak wants to import electricity natural gas from Iran and Central Asian Republic's. For this purpose Pak wants to established a pipe line.

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