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Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Geo Political and Geostrategic importance of South Asia

 Geo politics

It's includes area status, climate, Topography, Demography, Natural Resources. Human Resources/ capital. It's focuses on political powers which linked to geography of land. Relation of a particular country with world with reference to it's geography

Center of global interest

China is builting routes in south Asia specially in Pakistan CPEC for trade/ construction of Gwader port

• Bridge

      Between central Asia and South West Asia (Afghanistan and Iraq)

 4500km from chine's ports and 2500km from Gawader port

 • Event of 9/11 and significance of Pakistan(1996 Kenya capital Nariobi by Al-Qarde

 • Juncture between South/ West and Central Asia(from energy/ sources efficient countries to resources deficient countries)

 • Geostrategic position of South Asia

    The strategic position of South Asia causes international attraction but internal conflict. Major internal conflict between two atomic power that is India and Pakistan is Kashmir. Similarly diplomatic rivalry among India and minor states.

    South Asian states

    Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Maldives.

Territorial conflict

India Nepal on Kalapani(tri- junction) 400km in western Nepal.

Kashmir conflict between India and Pakistan on Kashmir

Sri Lanka and Libration Tigers of Tamil Ealan(LTTE).

Gloomy side

• Poverty (Half of the world poverty lies in south Asia)

• Unemployment

• Urbanization

• Sectarianism

• Increasing Population

• Illiteracy

• Economic crisis

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