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Monday, March 4, 2024

Maturation and Development

 As we get older, we can recognize that it's inappropriate for us to become furious. When we were younger, we had no idea how to manage our emotions, including our anger. We are gradually maturing and growing up because we have learned to regulate our anger and because we have changed our attitudes as a result of entering society.

Reaching Maturity
When a one-year-old child begins to walk, we can consider him to be mature enough to have grown up and developed the ability to walk; in the future, he will likely grow even more.

Arnold Gesell developed the idea of maturity in 1940 and stressed the importance of nature in human growth.

(Gates and Jesild) Growth that happens erratically in a variety of settings or without certain imitation conditions, such practice and training, is referred to as maturation.

Mature behavior is defined as having reached this stage without any formal education or training. Being mature originates from within. When we don't require any form of instruction or practice, it's regarded as maturity.

According to KINGSLEY,
 behavior-driven growth and development of our physical structure do not alter the process of maturity.

Maturity is the process of development and growth that results in changes to our physical shape and behavior. Maturity is the cause of all of this.

                          Characteristics of Maturation

1. An automated procedure

Mature development is an instinctive process that occurs naturally; we do not need to learn anything from the outside world.

2. Important for acquiring knowledge

To acquire any skill, we must be old enough—that is, we must have grown to the point where we are ready to master the skill.

3. Growth completion
Complete growth is the precursor to maturity.

4. Internal Modification
When the time comes, this transformation begins within of us; we don't need anything external to help us reach adulthood.

5. . Sum of Gene Effects
Hereditary factors also affect maturity
6.Development and Growth

Development and growth lead to maturity. Maturity is only attained when we mature and grow.

7. Absence of training prior to maturity
When we teach someone who lacks maturity how to become mature, it is useless because he won't be able to learn the skill; instead, he will only be able to remember what he knows. Mature people mature naturally over time, and only then will training be helpful to them.

8. Condition of Learning
It is only advantageous when we reach adulthood, at which point we will discover more about it. Therefore, being mature is a prerequisite for learning the abilities of maturity.


In development, growth is also important. A human will undoubtedly evolve if one exists, and this development includes mental, emotional, and physical growth.

Growth is a continuous process that can be observed and quantified, whereas development is more complex because it cannot be measured. Individuals develop at different rates; for example, some kids may mature later in life than others.

Definitions: A progressive sequence of changes in coherent patterns oriented towards the goal of maturity is what Harlock defines as development.

Stevenson states that the study of behavioral changes across the course of a person's life is related to development.

                       Characteristics of Maturation

1. Not consistent in every person
Individual differences in development mean that while some children will always be able to express their feelings clearly, others won't be able to do so.

2. Rely on both environment and heredity
Development is influenced by both nature and heredity since genes are passed down from family members and have a significant impact on development.

3. Consistent
While in heredity we know for sure that his parents are like this, thus this child can be like this, in development we can tell how the child is developing, how it is happening, and how far it will go.Though we may only speculate, genetics allows us to know more.

4. Gradual and requires patience
from the moment of the child's conception till its passing. This means that development happens gradually and never stops—that is, it doesn't stop until a person dies.

5. Maturation and learning lead to development
One indicator that a youngster is growing and learning is development.

                         Factors Promoting Development

Love: Your child's development will be better and he will remember how wonderful his parents are if you speak to him and treat him with more love.

Security: When the timing is right, we support the child and help him feel secure with his parents. When a child feels secure, his development is excellent.

Independence: Some parents want to stay with their kids and constantly monitor them; this is wrong; instead, kids should be allowed some independence so they can pursue their own interests and grow as individuals. He might be aware of his parents'Identities When it loads, he arrives.

 Good nutrition: Feed the child nutritious meals to ensure good health and prevent sickness. In the future, he might experience issues if he contracts any diseases and you choose not to vaccinate him.

Support on an emotional level — You should be able to empathize with the child, feel the same emotions they do, and be there to support them when needed.

Play: A child's intelligence grows quickly while they play. He has a lot of questions, which he asks and also befriends new people

.Acceptance as an Individual: Parents ought to show their child affection rather than harbor animosity.Parents should wait for their child and not chastise them if they don't act on their lack of speech promptness. If he eats, you shouldn't make him eat; instead, you should inquire as to whether there is a problem before acknowledging the situation as it is.

Respect for oneself: The youngster ought to respect himself and not feel obliged to touch his feet at every opportunity. Greetings to all of you. You should not use force to do any of this; by doing so, you are turning teaching moral principles into a game.



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