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Saturday, March 2, 2024

Concept Of Growth And Development

  Growth and Development Concept

Growth and development appear to be the same at first glance, yet they are not. Our physical and mental growth are intertwined with one other. Only our physical development is tied to growth, since growth ceases at a certain age. This implies that while growth ceases at a certain point, it continues from the moment of birth until death.

Growth: A person's or child's change in height, shape, and weight is referred to as growth.

Lawrence K. Frank: Frank viewed growth in terms of cell division.

Accretion: The term refers to a growth in the body's mass and weight, as well as the size of its organs, all of which are quantifiable.

Muscle growth is thought to be cellular growth.The following three things are related to growth; everything else is related to development.

Height: Whether a person is five feet tall or six feet tall, we may measure their height.
Width: The width is something we can measure.
Weight: We are able to determine its weight.


A kid experiences changes in their physical, mental, linguistic, social, and moral aspects throughout their life; these changes are collectively referred to as development.

Elizabeth Bergner Hurlock asserts that the effects of one developmental stage spill over into subsequent phases. It is evident from the proverb.


"A healthy mind resides in a healthy body" that mental and physical development are intertwined.

Development refers to the growth of the human personality.

Growth is mostly reliant on maturation and education.


Environment x Heredity equals development.


              Following are the types of development:-
The categories of development are as follows:- (Quick Reference) The rest consist of two parts each; there are four fundamental advances.

Physical Development: During this stage, the child's physical growth is evident, such as the development of his hands, hair, teeth, and height, among other things.

Physical growth reveals:

Motor Development (Developmental or Functional Development)

Gross motor skills / Development: In this, large organs are functioning but small organs are not yet developed. For example, if he needs to pick up a pencil, he will use both hands to do so.
Should he need to raise it, he will use his entire hand instead of just his fingers. Thus, we'll refer to this as physical skill.

Fine motor skills/Development
Fingers are employed in place of the complete hand while using fine motor skills and development. For example, if a child is required to paint, he will hold the color with his finger and then fill it in, or in which AD someone We shall refer to the act of inserting the thread with the fingers as a subtle skill.
2. Cognitive Development: During this phase, your capacity for thought and comprehension grows.

  • You begin to think.
  • You begin to reflect.
  • You begin resolving an issue.
  • Everything happens gradually.


3. Social Development: The child does not initially recognize anyone, but with time, he begins to identify each member of his family and subsequently the society. He begins to identify the kids when he gets to school. Social growth occurs in this way: they interact with them, become friends with them, and so on.

4. Emotional Development: Over time, a youngster gains the ability to communicate his emotions. Since he was too little to talk, we could tell when he came every day that he was either hungry or experiencing some sort of issue. So, we used to accompany him to the physician. As he gets older, we chastise him, and he stops talking.So, we used to accompany him to the physician. As he gets older, we chastise him, and he stops talking. Even so, he's sort of expressing his emotions. Time brings about changes in emotions.

5. Cognitive development includes linguistic development. With time, the child picks up speaking. He speaks incoherently at first, but eventually he picks up the language.

6. Moral Development: Social Development includes Moral Development. Through this, the child picks up moral ideals such as touching his feet and saying Namaste to guests.


 Life Cycle

Life is categorized into seven functional stages of development that start at birth.

Biological stages of human life


Characteristics of Development and Growth

Prenatal (before to delivery)

280 gestational days

the fetus's growth inside the mother's womb until it is delivered fully developed.


28 days from the date of Birth

Quick development and progress, as seen in abilities like smiling and mother recognition.

(Rapidly development and growth, such as smiling and recognizing mother, etc.)

early life (childhood)


The time frame is from 28 days to 1 year

Rapid expansion in size and height, the start of the milk teeth, and the attempt to stand and move.

(Significant increase in stature and size, onset of baby teeth, attempts to stand and walk)

Early life (childhood

Between one and ten years

Growth can range from quick to sluggish, depending on diet. eruption of permanent molar teeth.

(Depends on nutrition; growth ranges from rapid to gradual). persistent molar eruption)


Ten to Nineteen Years

Old Fast alterations in social, mental, emotional, and bodily states.

(Quick changes in social, mental, emotional, and physical aspects.)

20 years after reaching adulthood (20 years later)


20 years after reaching adulthood (20 years later)

Mature, the time in life when reproduction occurs.

(Reproductive stage and maturity.)

Old Age

sixty years of age or older (60 years and beyond)

organs, systems, and bodily functions gradually deteriorating.(Slow deterioration of organs, systems, and bodily functions.)


·         The brain shrinks to 80% of its mature size with aging.

·         Before the age of six, 85% of the brain develops.

·         Early intervention has the potential to raise IQ.

Formula for IQ: MA/CA x 100

Chronological Age / Mental Age X 100

Chronological Age / Mental Age X 100

Difference Between Development and Growth

The distinction between development and growth are




Consequential changes are referred to as growth (quantitative changes).

As an illustration, as a youngster gets older, his length and width also develop, a phenomenon known as growth.



The term "development" is used to describe qualitative changes

For instance, it helps the youngster become more efficient at job and other things.Next, the term "development" is used

Growth is not a constant in life.

Growth is not a constant in life.

Assume, for illustration, that a person is eight feet tall and that he will continue to grow. It will grow to a height of 10 feet in this manner, and ultimately 20 feet.

Development continues all the way from conception to death.
For instance, a person is learning something even in the final minutes before passing away.

Throughout life, the process of growing (life time) ends. adult child
Mature marks the end of this procedure. Similar to growing,

development is a lifetime process that determines a child's maturity.
As it reaches maturity, it doesn't end.

Growth is an observable element.This is concealable.
Growth cannot be regarded as typical.

Development is outside our control. since it affects people inadvertently throughout their lives.

Growth takes place physically. Growth can also be quantified. We are able to determine someone's weight and height

Both domestic and multilateral development occurs. Development is either very difficult to quantify or cannot be assessed at all. It will remain an estimate even if measurements are taken.




      James Drever: "The area of psychology known as child psychology studies the development of the human being from conception to adulthood."

Munro: "Life transitions from the embryonic stage to adulthood through a series of chain changes known as development."According to Crowe & Crowe, "Child development is a scientific study that examines a child's growth from conception to the onset of puberty."

Harlock: "The limit of development has a progressive sequence towards the goal of adulthood, in addition to growth." A person gains a variety of new traits and skills as a result of development.

Developmental changes happen from conception to death, and Harlock categorizes these changes into four categories:

 Modification in Dimension . 

·          1. Size Change

The lungs, heart, brain, nerves, and other tissues all grow older.

2. Ratio Variation

The head develops twice between birth and adulthood.The brain and several body parts have increased fourfold. Similar to how the weight of the heart and lungs can expand by 13 or 90 times, respectively, so can the brain functions.

3. The elimination of persistent symptoms

Both the loss of baby teeth and the completion of the Totli language's word pronunciation occur later in life.



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