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Friday, March 1, 2024

Step-by-Step for Meaningful Learning: A Guide to Experiential Learning Experiences Reflect, Analyze, Generalize, and Apply Process

 A number of processes make up the process of experiential learning, which aids pupils in comprehending and remembering new information and abilities. The phases of experiential learning are outlined below, as mentioned by UC Davis (2011) and Haynes (2007).

Experiencing/Exploring "Doing":This stage entails practical, hands-on activities including field trips, lab experiments, and volunteer work. For instance, students studying biology may carry out a lab experiment to see how various fertilizers affect plant development.

"What happened?" Discussing/Considering "What Happened?" Following the activity, students consider what they did, share their views and ideas with others, and consider the lessons they have learned. Let's talk about that. For instance, following an experiment, students will talk about and consider what they saw and discovered.Analyzing and processing "What matters?" (Working through and evaluating "What's Important?"): Students sort through and evaluate the data they've gathered, highlighting important ideas and connections. For instance, students will examine information gathered from an experiment to determine how various fertilizers affect plant growth.

Generalization "How come?" (Generalizing "So What?"): Students develop theories and concepts that are transferable to different contexts by drawing generalizations from their experiences. Students will, for instance, extrapolate from the experiment to formulate a hypothesis regarding the effects of various fertilizers on plant growth.

"Now What?" application (Application "Now What?"): Students put what they've learned to use by drafting a business plan for a project involving sustainable agriculture.Through practical, cooperative, and reflective learning experiences, these processes give students the tools they need to properly comprehend and retain newly acquired knowledge and abilities. Additionally, it fosters pupils' ability to think critically and solve problems.

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